NewsX9 Website has been created by Blogger & Writer Sanjeev nayan. Main objective of this site to post news on daily basis of different topics including Gadgets, Government Exam, Films, Sports, Opinions and Politics. So, Viewer can visit my site daily for the latest news & information.
Story about NewsX9
My website “NewsX9” has created on 17/05/2024 at morning time. Main aim of this websites to creates awareness about latest news and information in our daily life and engaged viewer with my website for daily updates regarding their choices. I mostly write up news articles on following topics thar are given below:
- Government Exam
- Gadgets
- Films
- Trending News
- Sports
- Opinions
- Politics
Team member
Presently, only me (Sanjeev nayan) is in my team member. Forthcoming, I will add more members if required.